You could use an emulator like Qemu, that emulates the hardware, too, but I just want a simple Vbox image and be done with it. This just means we need to be more selective in the OS version that we use, so we’re going to use Ubuntu or other supported platforms for our image, then add the Raspian on top of it. It’s made for ARM processors and Virtualbox is expecting an OS to support an X86 processor. Now the “noobs” install of Raspian, (Debian) won’t work for a direct Vbox image. I can’t simulate my Pibrella card or other add-ons, but I can install the libraries and verify that all my code tests out syntax wise before I run it on the actual Raspi. Many times I just want to write and test some code, but I want to do it while I’m taking a break from my day to day work- waiting for a download, in a meeting, a script is running in another window, etc., so it’s convenient to have a Virtualbox image to run Python scripts with all the libraries and modules installed. So I’m working on a lot of posts for Enterprise Manager, but I can’t post them just yet, so here’s some more Raspberry Pi love to keep you busy until then… 🙂 Why VBox Raspberry Pi?